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charr achu jan would find:
"Achurch, Janet, née Sharp, Mrs Charles Charrington 1864-1916 actress"
and so would sharp 1864.

This is using the default option All Words, where all search terms must be included in search results. The other options are Any Words, where records including any of the search criteria will be found (ie more records will probably be found) and Exact Phrase which requires precise search criteria. In most cases the default will be most useful.

This lists all identified correspondents. Their letters can only be accessed through the Letters page.

Actors' Benevolent Fund   

Adams, William Davenport, 1852-1904   theatre critic, writer

Addison, Carlotta (Charlotte), Mrs Charles La Trobe, 1846-1914   actress

Addison, Fanny “Pitt”, 1844-1937   actress

Adye, Algernon, 1861/61-1897   actor, business manager, of Actors' Association

Agnew, Sir George, 1852-1941   art publisher, dealer

Agnew, Sir William, 1st Baronet, 1825-1910   art dealer, Liberal MP

Aicard, Jean, 1848-1921   French dramatist

Aidé, Hamilton (Charles Hamilton), 1826-1907   playwright, novelist

Ainger, Alfred, 1837-1904   canon, amateur dramatist

Ainslie, Grant Duff Douglas, 1865-1948   poet, critic, diplomat

Aird, Sir John, 1st Baronet, 1833-1911   civil engineer, contractor, MP

Aitken, James Alfred, 1846-1897   artist, of Glasgow

Albery, James, 1838-1889   dramatist

Albery, Mary, (Mary Moore, afterwards Lady Wyndham), 1861-1931   actress